The list of papers accepted to appear at WINE 2012 is below, also
on the WINE 2012 web site.
Regular papers
Vasileios Tzoumas, Christos Amanatidis and Evangelos Markakis.
A Game-Theoretic Analysis of a Competitive Diffusion Process over Social Networks
Yoram Bachrach, Ian Kash and Nisarg Shah.
Agent Failures in Totally Balanced Games and Convex Games
Joan Feigenbaum, Michael Mitzenmacher and Georgios Zervas.
An Economic Analysis of User-Privacy Options in Ad-Supported Services
Paul Dütting, Monika Henzinger and Martin Starnberger.
Auctions with Heterogeneous Items and Budget Limits
Edward Lui and Samantha Leung.
Bayesian Mechanism Design with Efficiency, Privacy, and Truthfulness
Pranav Dandekar, Ashish Goel and David Lee.
Biased Assimilation, Homophily, and the Dynamics of Polarization
Davide Bilò, Luciano Gualà and Guido Proietti.
Bounded-Distance Network Creation Games
Nikolay Archak, Vahab Mirrokni and S Muthukrishnan.
Budget Optimization for Online Campaigns with Positive Carryover Effects
Sunil Easaw Simon and Krzysztof Apt.
Choosing Products in Social Networks
Morteza Zadimoghaddam and Aaron Roth.
Efficiently Learning from Revealed Preference
Amotz Bar-Noy, Yi Gai, Matthew P. Johnson, Bhaskar Krishnamachari and George Rabanca.
Funding Games: the Truth but not the Whole Truth
Pascal Lenzner.
Greedy Selfish Network Creation
Andreas Darmann, Edith Elkind, Sascha Kurz, Jérôme Lang, Joachim Schauer and Gerhard J. Woeginger.
Group Activity Selection Problem
Avishay Maya and Noam Nisan.
Incentive Compatible Two Player Cake Cutting
Georgios Piliouras, Tomas Valla and Laszlo Vegh.
LP-based Covering Games with Low Price of Anarchy
Anand Bhalgat, Tanmoy Chakraborty and Sanjeev Khanna.
Mechanism Design for a Risk Averse Seller
Swaprava Nath, Pankaj Dayama, Dinesh Garg, Narahari Yadati and James Zou.
Mechanism Design for Time Critical and Cost Critical Task Execution via Crowdsourcing
Bundit Laekhanukit, Guyslain Naves and Adrian Vetta.
Non-Redistributive Second Welfare Theorems
Nicole Immorlica and Emmanouil Pountourakis.
On Budget-Balanced Group-Strategyproof Cost-Sharing Mechanisms
Dvir Falik, Reshef Meir and Moshe Tenneholtz.
On Coalitions and Stable Winners in Plurality
Dimitris Fotakis and Paris Siminelakis.
On the Efficiency of Influence-and-Exploit Strategies for Revenue Maximization under Positive Externalities
Volodymyr Kuleshov and Gordon Wilfong.
On the efficiency of the simplest pricing mechanisms in two-sided markets
Constantinos Daskalakis, Alan Deckelbaum and Christos Tzamos.
Optimal Pricing is Hard
Pranav Dandekar, Nadia Fawaz and Stratis Ioannidis.
Privacy Auctions for Recommender Systems
Victor Naroditskiy, Mingyu Guo, Lachlan Dufton, Maria Polukarov and Nicholas R. Jennings.
Redistribution of VCG Payments in Public Project Problems
Kshipra Bhawalkar and Tim Roughgarden.
Simultaneous Single-Item Auctions
Johanne Cohen, Christoph Dürr and Kim Thang Nguyen.
Smooth Inequalities and Equilibrium Inefficiency in Scheduling Games
Martin Hoefer and Alexander Skopalik.
Social Context in Potential Games
Katrina Ligett and Aaron Roth.
Take it or Leave it: Running a Survey when Privacy Comes at a Cost
Avinatan Hassidim, Haim Kaplan, Yishay Mansour and Noam Nisan.
The AND-OR game: Equilibrium Characterization
Davide Bilò, Luciano Gualà, Stefano Leucci and Guido Proietti.
The Max-Distance Network Creation Game on General Host Graphs
Christian Borgs, Michael Brautbar, Jennifer Chayes, Sanjeev Khanna and Brendan Lucier.
The Power of Local Information in Social Networks
Xujin Chen, Benjamin Doerr, Xiaodong Hu, Weidong Ma, Rob van Stee and Carola Winzen.
The Price of Anarchy for Selfish Ring Routing is Two
Ashish Goel and David Lee.
Triadic Consensus: A Randomized Algorithm for Voting in a Crowd
Hadi Minooei and Chaitanya Swamy.
Truthful Mechanism Design for Multi-dimensional Covering Problems
Hamed Amini and Nikolaos Fountoulakis.
What I tell you three times is true: bootstrap percolation in small worlds
Short papers
Anand Bhalgat and Sreenivas Gollapudi.
Ad Allocation for Browse Sessions
Lirong Xia.
Generalized Weighted Model Counting: An Efficient Monte-Carlo Meta-Algorithm
Sayan Bhattacharya, Dmytro Korzhyk and Vincent Conitzer.
Computing a Profit-Maximizing Sequence of Offers to Agents in a Social Network
Lei Yao, Wei Chen and Tie-Yan Liu.
Convergence Analysis for Weighted Joint Strategy Fictitious Play in Generalized Second Price Auction
Michal Feldman and Tami Tamir.
Convergence of Best-Response Dynamics in Games with Conflicting Congestion Effects
Swapnil Dhamal and Narahari Yadati.
Forming Networks of Strategic Agents with Desired Topologies
Bassel Tarbush and Alexander Teytelboym.
Homophily in online social networks
Piotr Krysta and Orestis Telelis.
Limited Supply Online Auctions for Revenue Maximization
Balasubramanian Sivan, Vasilis Syrgkanis and Omer Tamuz.
Lower Bounds on Revenue of Approximately Optimal Auctions
Vahab Mirrokni, Mukund Sundurarajan and Sebastien Roch.
On Fixed-Price Marketing for Goods with Positive Network Externalities
Daniela Saban and Nicolas Stier-Moses.
The Competitive Facility Location Problem in a Duopoly: Connections to the 1-median Problem
Angelo Fanelli, Dariusz Leniowski, Gianpiero Monaco and Piotr Sankowski.
The ring design game with fair cost allocation
Amos Fiat and Ariel Levavi.
Tight Lower Bounds on Envy-Free Makespan Approximation