I received the following email, which may be of interest to some readers:
The GAMBIT project — Software Tools for Game Theory — has been accepted for the second time as a mentoring organization for the “Google Summer of Code 2012”. This means that Google pays students a stipend (5000 USD if the work is successful) to work on open-source code for this software project over the summer of 2012.
With this email, we would like to ask you to encourage students to contact us if they are interested in contributing to this project. It would involve the coding of algorithms and user interfaces for game-solving software.
The “mentors” for this project are Ted Turocy, Rahul Savani and Bernhard von Stengel, all with a long-standing interest in games and computation. Any enquiry should be directed to the three of us under the mail alias
gambit-mentors “at” nash.lse.ac.uk
The student application period is March 26 - April 6, with final deadline April 6, 2012, 19h UTC.
The webpage
gives a summary of our project, and lists at the bottom under “Application Template” a number of questions an interested student should answer. He or she should definitely contact us before submitting an application to clarify his or her interest. The possible projects are listed under “Ideas” which is linked to
and this list can be extended, for example if someone is interested in computing equilibrium refinements. We have kept this ideas list fairly non-academic but there is no real limit for more advanced projects related to equilibrium computation or game processing.
The timeline to the Google Summer of Code program is at
and other frequently asked questions are at
We expect something like 3-5 student stipends, and of course are interested in serious contributors with knowledge of game theory and coding experience.
Thank you for identifying possible contributors, and please do not hesitate to ask us any questions. We look forward to hearing from you and from your interested students!
With best wishes,
— Bernhard, Ted and Rahul
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16 hours ago